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Challenge 1.3

Display Binary Numbers (using variables as an operator)

Challenge Level: Beginner


Write a program to display numbers 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 on the screen one at a time. This is similar to the previous challenge, but instead of storing a number directly into the variable, you should double the value in the variable each time. You need to use an operator (for multiplying 2 numbers) for this challenge.

  • Make a variable called “number of dots” and change its value by using an operator (multiplying it by 2 before displaying it on the screen each time). You can find Create variable” under the "Variables" category to create a new variable. Make sure your variable name is as descriptive as possible.
  • Use the 'Set variable to' block to set the value of your new variable. Use the 'Multiply' block under “Operators” to double the value of your variable.
  • Display the value of your variable on the screen by putting your new variable block in the 'Say' block.
Programming Reminders

Output statements

Output a string directly
Blocks showing how to output a string
Output a variable
Blocks showing how to output a variable


Set a variable as a string
Blocks showing how to set a variable as a string
Set a variable as an integer
Blocks showing how to set a variable as an integer
Set a variable from a calculation
Blocks showing how to set a variable from a calculation
Set a variable from a user input (text)
Blocks showing how to set a variable from a user input (text)
Set a variable from a user input (number)
Blocks showing how to set a variable from a user input (number)
Add one to a value
Blocks showing how to add one to a value


Find out the discount on fruit
Blocks showing how to use conditional blocks


Output string 10 times
Blocks showing how to output a string
Output number until number reaches 10
Blocks showing how to output a string
Recommended Blocks
Number block
Say block
Multiply block
Set variable to block
Custom variable block

Create your program in the editor below

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