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Challenge 1.1

Display binary numbers (without calculations)

Challenge Level: Beginner


Create a program to display numbers 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 on the screen, one at a time.

  • Use the 'Say' block and the 'Number' block to display on the screen what you want. In this case, it will be ‘1’ for the first output, ‘2’ for the second, ‘4’ for the third and so on.

  • Make sure all your blocks are “snapped” together in a line like a jigsaw puzzle.

  • Whenever you click the Run button, your program will start.

Programming Reminders

Output statements

Output a string directly
Blocks showing how to output a string
Output a variable
Blocks showing how to output a variable


Set a variable as a string
Blocks showing how to set a variable as a string
Set a variable as an integer
Blocks showing how to set a variable as an integer
Set a variable from a calculation
Blocks showing how to set a variable from a calculation
Set a variable from a user input (text)
Blocks showing how to set a variable from a user input (text)
Set a variable from a user input (number)
Blocks showing how to set a variable from a user input (number)
Add one to a value
Blocks showing how to add one to a value


Find out the discount on fruit
Blocks showing how to use conditional blocks


Output string 10 times
Blocks showing how to output a string
Output number until number reaches 10
Blocks showing how to output a string
Recommended Blocks
Number block
Say block

Create your program in the editor below

Your submission results will be displayed here

Input Expected output Received output Status


Not yet run ?